This time I made them just for fun for my Friends... I usually make them using a round COOKIE cutter, but lately I've made them square and everybody likes them! I ordered acetate boxes so I can box them in sets of 4, 8 and 12, tie a ribbon and add a tag to each one, so clients can choose to have them boxed or in trays... they also can choose 1, 2 or 3 flavors...

About Alfajores:
- They are basically a sandwich COOKIE
- The dough is usually made of cornstarch (traditional), chocolate or nuts
- Some fillings are dulce de leche (thick caramel), jam, peanut butter, chocolate, Nutella
- They can be dipped or not, glazed or not, and garnished or not
- Garnishings include ground coconut, nuts, toasted almonds
They're adorable. I've heard of them but never made/ate them. Do you have a recipe you can share?
Qué bueno que te gustaron en cuadrado, Cirri! Y hablando de MAESTRA... ;)
Of course I can share the recipe, Jen! I'll translate the recipe and send it to you... thanks for visiting :)
Hey I want the recipe too. I've never eaten them. I saw them over on mattbites.com (he made them on Martha)
Thanks for visiting Laura! The recipe is on the way to VT ;)
I got the recipe.Thank You!
I think I'm going to make them in a couple of weeks.
Thanks again!
I love alfajores! Square, round, triangular, they're all good ;)!
I'm glad you like them in any shape LOL... Thank you for visiting, Rita!
Yumm, I yet tried alfajor and it's delicious! Well, I thought it!
Estos son idénticos a los de Monterrey que te comente!!!! No puedo creer!! Y justo el sabor que mas me gusta!!! Los tengo que probar a ver si saben igual, donde te contacto?
Gracias, Katia! Puedes contactarme en hechoencasa.bea {arroba} gmail{punto}com
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