
wellies and umbrellas for a cloudy day...

Wellies and Umbrellas ~ Wellies y Paraguas

Don't you love rainy days? The only time I don't is when I have to decorate COOKIES... As a child I loved to go out with my umbrella, and I made sure my children had raincoats and umbrellas to play and have fun... ~ No te encantan los días lluviosos? Las únicas veces en que no me gustan es cuando decoro GALLETAS... De niña me gustaba salir con mi paraguas, y me encargué de que mis hijos tuvieran impermeables y paraguas para jugar ay divertirse...

Rain can be heavy in Cancun, sometimes... I wonder why we don't wear Wellies and Raincoats... ~ A veces la lluvia en Cancun puede ser fuerte... me pregunto por qué no usamos Wellies e Impermeables...

I designed my own... ~ Diseñé los mios...

1. I started with a Cupcake COOKIE Cutter, I love this one! ~ Empecé con un Cortador de GALLETAS de forma de Cupcake (Panquecito/Quequito), me gusta mucho este!

2. Outline the Umbrella and Wellies with Rose Pink; outline a White Cloud ~ Delínea el Paraguas y los Wellies con Rose Pink; delínea la Nube con Blanco.

3. Flood the Wellies and alternate flooding the Umbrella section to give dimension. Let dry 1 hour ~ Rellena los Wellies y el Paraguas de forma intercalada para dar dimensión. Deja secar 1 hora

4. Flood the Cloud. Let dry until a thin crust forms and make it fluff by swirling with a toothpick. I was thinking this would work great for fuzzy animals! ~ Rellena la Nube. Deja secar hasta que forme una capa delgada y haz que se esponje moviendo un palillo. Creo que esto serviría para animales peluditos!

5. Flood the remaining Umbrella section. Let dry 2 hours ~ Rellena la sección restante del Paraguas. Deja secar 2 horas

Wellies and Umbrellas ~ Wellies y Paraguas
6. Add details. Let dry 8 hours or overnight ~ Agrega los detalles. Deja secar 8 horas o toda la noche

As every month we are having fun with a COOKIE Project on our Flickr group {Show Me} Your Cookie! You can join us at any time! ~ Cada mes nos estamos divirtiendo con un Proyecto de GALLETA en nuestro grupo de Flickr {Muéstrame} Tu Galleta! Puedes unirte en cualquier momento!

My dear friend, Pam from the blog Cookie Crazie has some Raindrop Cookies falling on her head! ~ Mi querida amiga Pam, del blog Cookie Crazie Gotas de Lluvia de GALLETAS cayendo sobre su cabeza!

More COOKIES coming soon... ~ Más GALLETAS muy pronto...

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  1. CookieCrazie PamTuesday, April 24, 2012

    Super, Bea! I love this cookie. It is wonderful. And I love your cloud technique. :)

  2. So cute! I love that idea for the cupcake cutter!

  3. Have you seen that show "Sweet Genius"?  This is "creative genius"!  

  4. These are adorable and so creative to have used a cupcake cutter!

  5. wow that is awesome...I love how it came out.

  6. Great creative use if the cupcake cutter! And I like the easy way you created texture for the cloud!

  7. www.lacasitadeazucar.esWednesday, April 25, 2012

    ¡Qué bonita y original! Un abrazo

  8. The Bearfoot BakerWednesday, April 25, 2012

    I never would have used a cupcake cutter like this! So amazing and I love the way decorated them! Very cute!!!

  9. Es preciosa y realmente original.


  10. Con un cortador de cupcakes...!!! Cómo es que puedes imaginarte hacer esto de un cortador que no tiene nada que ver...!!!! Em impresionante. Me encanta...vamos, tengo que animarme a hacer galletas decoradas....tengo que harcelo...!!!

  11. Love your creativity with the cupcake cutter. As The Barefoot Baker said, I would never have thought of this neither. Beautiful.

  12. This cookie is beautiful, and I made this cookie gift for my niece on her birthday. Thank you for share.



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